5 Ways to Avoid Fake Micro Influencers

Micro influencers are everywhere. They’re flooding our Instagram, Twitter and YouTube feeds with their perfectly-sized followings and angelic voices, right? Well, not always. There are so many different avenues to take when searching for the perfect micro influencer. Whether you’re a start-up or an established company, it’s important to be able to recognize the good … Continue reading “5 Ways to Avoid Fake Micro Influencers”

5 Fashion Micro Influencers You Might Want To Work With

With the mass adoption of social media and blogging, the fashion industry is no longer solely governed by fashion magazines and haute couture editors. Fashion icons of today come in many forms, and influencers now have the ability to put a brand on the map without ever getting on a catwalk.  Influencer marketing works particularly … Continue reading “5 Fashion Micro Influencers You Might Want To Work With”

7 Reasons Top Brands Are Working With Micro Influencers

Influencer marketing is having its moment. As corporate scandals continue to make headlines, more and more consumers have lost trust in the traditional marketing efforts delivered directly from brands. People are looking to their friends and people they respect or relate to in order to determine which events to attend, brands to support and even … Continue reading “7 Reasons Top Brands Are Working With Micro Influencers”

5 Reasons Why Micro Influencers Get Better Engagement

With over 700 million people scrolling through their Instagram feed each month, the cost of ads has really started to skyrocket. According to Forbes, an account with over a million followers can earn upwards of $50k for a single sponsored post (depending on engagement). That can really start to add up! Enter the micro influencer. … Continue reading “5 Reasons Why Micro Influencers Get Better Engagement”

3 Female Fitness Micro Influencers That Deliver Results

Instagram brings the world of real people into the palm of your hand.   That means daily stories and posts from the exceptionally fit can inspire and motivate us to move. After all, a guru is someone who rose to such distinction after years of putting in the work.  Supposedly these people are not just … Continue reading "3 Female Fitness Micro Influencers That Deliver Results"

3 Instagram Travel Micro Influencers to Follow in 2018

Luxury travel advisors, travel bloggers and adventure seekers are popping up all over the web.  These dream careers which once seemed impossible to afford, are now things we hear more of every day, and are being proven to be very rewarding and exciting lifestyles.  This is largely due in part to paid partnerships, sponsorships, advertisements and marketing that so many of these experts are seeking (and brands are looking to give).

Luxury travel advisors, travel bloggers and adventure seekers are popping up all over the web.  These dream careers which once seemed impossible to afford, are now things we hear more of every day, and are being proven to be very rewarding and exciting lifestyles.  This is largely due in part to paid partnerships, sponsorships, advertisements and marketing that so many of these experts are seeking (and brands are looking to give).

3 Big Companies Using Micro Influencers Successfully

Introducing: the micro influencer. They are regular people, like you and me,with a slightly above average following on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook, or maybe even a blog.  Their posts usually correlate around a particular niche, or passion – beauty, fashion, travel, tech, business and all the fun things in between.

Introducing: the micro influencer. They are regular people, like you and me,with a slightly above average following on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook, or maybe even a blog.  Their posts usually correlate around a particular niche, or passion – beauty, fashion, travel, tech, business and all the fun things in between.

Characteristics of A Micro Influencer

As the validity of word of mouth advertising has continued to prove successful, the rise of influencer marketing campaigns and their respective budgets has come with it. If you’re a marketer with a lean allowance or even an enterprise organization just getting started with influencer marketing, you will likely focus your efforts on targeting micro … Continue reading "Characteristics of A Micro Influencer"

How To Pay A Micro Influencer

When it comes to Influencer Marketing, one of the most common questions people have is around payment and influencer expectations. Unfortunately there is no black and white answer to this as a number of factors are involved when setting pricing. One thing for sure is that you can expect to pay different rates for each … Continue reading “How To Pay A Micro Influencer”

How To Find Influencers

Influencer marketing is a promotional strategy that leverages people who have the capacity to effect brand preferences and associated behaviours. The influencer’s ability to have this impact is typically based on their individual expertise, popularity, or reputation within a target market. Marketers can use influencer marketing to establish credibility, create social conversations around their brand, … Continue reading "How To Find Influencers"